EChumly note. These are recorded interviews made on recording equipment. The recordings are then rerecorded here on this computer internet site. Grammar and spelling errors may look like errors. That is part of the real/unreal experiment one has to cover then recover for themselves. The recordings are made at the Dr. Happy Felix place of real/unreal realities somewhere at a location near you.

The recorded interview of Mr. Ded: I was put in a basket. There was a rumor that the basket woman had an affair with comedian. The comedian told her stating having sex with him>>>>> was a like entering a ***dangerous field***. I was born, basketed, and then the basket was placed in the river.

The basket was suppose to float down the river and no one ever knew why or could tell me why. What happened is the basket sank, it was poorly made and not waterproof. Somehow a dog from a near by kennel escaped and went to this river and drug me to shore as if I was the dogs toy. They found me and shot the dog because it had rabies. Plus, it was reported the dog was guarding me and was not letting anyone near me. I was tested but the dog did not bite or harm me. The owners of the kennel felt bad and fostered me in their home. I can honestly swear, yes, I was raised in a dog kennel as a child.

But only for awhile.

The dog kennel owners had a daughter. She was older than me and her name does not matter. We use to go to church. Our mother? Would give her daughter money to put in the church money collection type plate. The daughter never put money in the plate when I was with her. The plate would pass and she kept the money. Then say, “Sometimes God says pass up the plate and get ice cream”. After church we would do God’s bidding. Until one day. Mother was asked by the Pastor why she stopped giving her thighs (tithes? recorder not clear on word) to the church? Mother questioned her daughter and her daughter turned to me and said, “I told you to put the money in the plate. What did you do with it?” The time in this dog’s house was ended. When this happened there was no home for me in any future.

Like all things factors decide. My factor decided that at 12 years old there was no Pinocchio boyhood ending for me. Some people came and picked me up and I ended up being migrated to Mexico. It was a pretty crowded chevy van. There were called the Deportee Family that rode with me in the back of the van. I was dropped off first and I asked where I was. I was in the “New” Mexico.

The family that took me in liked motorcycles. I was given a job to cut up white powder and fill and un-fill sixteen wheelers. I was given food and floor. Once in a bit a cover for the floor. I sometimes covered me instead of the floor and had to clean the floor. A long time after a priest told me God kept me alive. I stopped seeing the priest and going to any religious affair. That is all religions. Then I dreamed God came to me in a dream. He was a big vanilla waffle ice cream cone. God said to me. “You will lick and be licked by the world like ice cream.” Unlike the Rainbow Sherbet people that will only lick each other.” I will be licked by all God said in the dream.

7 minutes later the FBI raided the motorcycle family and I was given a new home living with the Inmate Families. I was 18. I thought I was 16 according to what the Kennel people said. I was never good at figuring dog years.

A woman came and picked up Mr. Ded and put him in the back of her car with caged windows. As they left he waved goodbye and did….. NOT….. put his head out of the window.

Session one

Chapter of a dangerous field

Recorded by Missy? Missey? Missee? a woman of 29 dog years.