It is a quiet day at the Reality/Unreality Clinic, Hospital, whatever. Sitting on a large porch that surrounds the Reality/Unreality place is somewhat consoling. It is a light rain that dances off the leaves and makes a resounding relaxing day. A hot coffee or tea with whiskey in it helps also. Sometimes I melt a synthetic gummy in my hot tea and get a sort of a mellow game of mine. Recording these wonderful animals I am reminded that maybe gummies can make me see strange things.

The first thing I observed was a gang of white rabbits raiding the garden for various goodies being grown. Dr. H. Felix does not fence the garden so the animals can snack freely and fill up their soft furry underbellies. Then I noticed something I do not see often. A White Albino Deer being chased by a white Albino Bear. Fortunately the White Albino Deer is faster than the White Albino Bear. Unfortunately not faster than the Panther looking White Albino Cat. The Reality/Unreality Place has a vast amount of forest surrounding the area and the area is miles and miles of acres and acres. The White Albino Big Foot really can send a
White Albino Cat flying pretty high with one swoop of the White Albino Big Foot arm.

Off to my left I can observe some White Albino Cattle, foxes, birds, dogs, beavers, and …………. man there sure is a lot of White Albino Wildlife around the Reality/Unreality Grounds today?

Further down the bunch of acres. I can see what appears to be a heugh Massive White Albino cloud. On close inspection I can just barely make out a group of White Albino People in the rain running around pretty frantically. These White Albino people seem to be going in and out of the cloud. Every now and then I hear a loud pop here and there. Sometimes one or two of the
White Albino people fall down and get up looking more Albino white-ish.

I wonder if there is a White Albino picnic, party, reunion, un-reunion going on? Seems that there is a gathering of White Albino trees and foliage cropping up also. Well. Hmmmm?

Session One

Rainy White Albino Chapter 62

Recorded by EChumly smoking some very good medically approved White Albino referred hemp.